Jealousy and how to use it to your Advantage

February 21, 2018 By: KylaM - No Comments

Ugh she’s so perfect. Thin, perfect skin, perfect everything. She has a super successful career, a gorgeous husband and kids, she travels the world and lives her dream life. I’m so jealous of the b___.

These are the thoughts I had when I was watching a video of a coach I admire. Not the prettiest or most pleasant feeling I have had. Have you ever felt this before? The big green monster of jealousy that can envelop you.

The dictionary defines being jealous as ‘feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages’. It is our thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, feeling inadequate and anxiety around what we want or what we fear losing.

Or as I like to call it desire envy. This is certainly what I was feeling when watching the video. This woman appeared to have the perfect dream life and I wanted it, well I wanted some part of it.

Jealousy feels lousy but it can also be a powerful motivator to inspire us and motivate us. Instead of going down the rabbit hole of feeling envy I used my feeling and this woman’s video to motivate myself to pursue my desires.

Watch the video below to learn more about desire envy.

Now I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below please share when you have felt desire envy. How did it make you feel?

What is it about the other person’s life that you would like to feel in your life? What can you incorporate in your life now to feel how you want to feel so you’re not caught up in desire envy?

Remember that envy is a natural feeling and is a great tool to reveal to us what we would like to have in our own life. Use the other person’s life for inspiration in pursuing your desires.

Thanks for watching and sharing!

All my best,


Coming Soon! On Feb 27 I am releasing part 1 of my interview with Dane Johnson. Dane is a board certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach thriving with Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis.

In part one of our interview we talk about his journey with IBD, what it was like to be diagnosed so young and the mindset you need for healing.

And to find out more about how I can help you check out my ‘Work with Me’ page.