You are a passionate, sensitive, caring, unique and strong person who knows that your illness is not who you are and that life is more than just getting by or managing your illness. 

You know that life is not about struggling through bad days and waiting for the good, it’s about claiming the good. It’s about claiming your spectacular, abundant, fulfilling and healthy life. You also know that you need some help to get you there.

With the right tools and support you can transform your feelings of overwhelm, tiredness, and self-care avoidance into feeling revitalized, calm, happy and fulfilled. In turn your life can be filled with all the things that are important to you.

My intention for you is to have a joyous life, to love who you are, and to love your life. To live according to how you want your unique life to be, whatever that may look like for you. I can help you to accelerate your success to have better self-care and in turn have more freedom, vibrancy, fulfillment, and joy.

about-kyla-makiHi, I’m Kyla Maki, I have a special place in my heart for helping people with autoimmune illness who are struggling to feel fulfilled and happy in their life. Using a combination of transformational coaching, mindset techniques, organizational practices, and cheerleading I help you take action so you are your own healer. You will have consistent self-care, a better connection with yourself, and be able to achieve your desired life without sacrificing your health.

I know how isolating and lonely chronic illness can be but you are not alone. I can help you embrace, enhance, and love all aspects of your life. You will make lasting changes so you are living a better life with more, peace, love, fulfillment and joy.

My Journey to where I am today

I grew up on a farm in rural Alberta, Canada, and I was a pretty happy kid and kind of a dreamer. I dreamt of travelling everywhere, living in a beautiful home, having many adventures and a great career. I dreamed of living a fabulous life! But while I dreamed about this fabulous life, I struggled with low self-esteem, constant negative self-talk and poor self-care, which continued well into my adult life.

My world changed

When I was 17, I started to notice unusual changes in my bowel movements, which grew increasingly worse and were really scary. For two years, I was frozen with fear and hid my symptoms from everyone. Finally, I went to a doctor and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis an autoimmune illness. The doctor told me I was facing a lifelong chronic illness.

For a few years I managed my health with drugs that helped but I didn’t feel as strong as I desired. I wanted to do more that could help me stay well. At that time I had no real awareness of my body or how my diet, self-care, emotions, thoughts, fulfillment, spiritual life, or surroundings affected my well-being. I was oblivious to the fact that there was a completely different way I could live my life.

My Blessing

During college, by a blessing of the universe, I met an herbalist who would change my life forever. She introduced me to a new way of caring for my body and this led me on a journey of holistic healing. Over time I learned what my body requires in order to function at its best. I changed my diet, took herbs to heal my bowels, lived in alignment with my soul, healed emotional pain, had fun, and followed my desires. I was finally in charge of my life and I finally felt peace, fulfillment and joy.

My Realization

After being diagnosed with an autoimmune illness, I had a choice: be defeated and feel like a victim in my own body or embrace my body as it is. I had to learn what led my body to cry out in such a way. I changed how I took care of myself and before I knew it I began feeling stronger, healthier and happier.

Where I am Today


Here’s what I know to be true: No matter what difficulties you may face, there is a way through them. It may not be easy and it may take time but you can have a happy life. 

Today, I use everything available to me to stay healthy and happy. Expertise from my doctor, coaching, supplements, medication, and my own personal practises of self-care. Autoimmune disease can be complicated and my health can have it’s ups and downs. Sometimes I have to refocus and use my systems and healing knowledge to get myself back on track. But I am fortunate I live a privileged and blessed life. 

I am living out my desire to travel the world and so far I’ve had the pleasure of exploring Thailand, Paris, Berlin, Prague, and London, just to name a few. I have constructed a life with a loving marriage, beautiful friends, and an amazing life that fuels me. I am the leader of my fulfilling and joyous life.

My Promise to you

Even if we never work together, I can promise you this: You are capable of wonderful, miraculous and beautiful things. You are not damaged or irreparable. Your gifts are endless. The life you desire is not a dream, it is real! And I am here to assist you in any way I can.

I can help you take better care of yourself so you can achieve your most desirable life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. I will teach you how to avoid the stumbling blocks that can happen when dealing with an autoimmune disease and help you reach your goal of a beautiful life.

I am committed to providing my clients with individualized services and an amazing experience with fun surprises, deep discoveries, transformation and powerful life changes. When working with me, you are safe to be who you are. Our time together is confidential and your trust is of the upmost importance to me.

To find out more about what I offer please check out my Work With Me page. To never miss any updates from me and to get information I only share with my peeps you can sign up for my newsletter at the top of this page.

You can also follow me on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram. I look forward to assisting you on your journey!

You can have a life filled with fulfillment, beauty, wealth, love and joy!

Facts about me

  • I am a certified Transformational Life Coach
  • I have my certification for Level 1 & 2 in EFT tree

Tidbits about me

  • I used to work on commercials, movies and documentaries (behind  the scenes, in the production office)
  • I LOVE documentaries; anything educational and entertaining gets my vote.
  • I want to travel everywhere.
  • I love trees, seriously I love them!